Agrichem Agri N 20.0.0

Category : Plant Nutrition Product group : Leaf Fertilizer

Total Nitrogen (N): 20

Urea Nitrogen (N): 8

Nitrate Nitrogen (N): 4

Chlorine Content: 0.1%


Miscibility: AGRI-N is compatible with a wide range of commonly used pesticides and other products. When mixing with other chemicals, always mix a small amount and check the sediment in the mixture.

If precipitation occurs, do not continue to apply. If the mixture does not settle down and you are using this product combination for the first time, test a small area of the crop before treating the whole crop.

Detailed Table Information

Plant Name Dosage of Use Implementation Advices
Drupe Fruits 250 – 350 ml Fertigation Do not apply on the foliage. The best practice is soil application.
Vegetables 150 – 250 ml Foliar Sprey Apply when needed.
Vegetables 1 – 1,2 l Drip İrrigation Apply when needed.
Cotton, Corn, Canola, Cereals, Wheat, Legumes 0.75 – 1 l Foliar Sprey (Large Area) – Best applied at the 3 – 4 leaf stage, but can also be used in other stages.
Cotton, Corn, Canola, Cereals, Wheat, Legumes 500 – 700 ml Fertigation Use it for soil applications before planting.
Citrus 2 – 4 l Drip İrrigation Apply at the time of hardening of the first leaves formed in the spring or during the active growth period and after harvest.
Citrus 100 – 200 ml Foliar Sprey Apply at the time of hardening of the first leaves formed in the spring or during the active growth period and after harvest.
Cabbage 150 – 250 ml Foliar Sprey Apply when needed.
Cabbage 1 – 1,2 l Drip İrrigation Apply when needed.
Nuts 100 – 125 ml Foliar Sprey Apply in the early stages of the growing season, when sufficient foliage is available. Apply with compatible pesticides
Apple 100 – 150 ml Foliar Sprey Apply at the time of hardening of the first leaves formed in the spring or during the active growth period and after harvest.
Grape (Vineyard) 100 – 200 ml Foliar Sprey First Application: When the shoots are 10 cm long. Second application: at 5% flowering period. Do not use in concentrations less than 1:50.
Almond 75 – 100 ml Foliar Sprey Apply at the time of hardening of the first leaves formed in the spring or during the active growth period and after harvest.
Avocado 100 – 150 ml Foliar Sprey Apply at the time of hardening of the first leaves formed in the spring or during the active growth period and after harvest.